
Limited Release Rare

From the award winning Jamison Savage in Panama.
view Limited Release Rare range
Illumination Gesha
Illumination Gesha
Panama | Limited Release Rare
Foundation An icon for our foundation genre coffee.

Foundation Beans

This genre represents the foundation of specialty coffee and the third wave movement. Clean, aromatic coffee with sweetness and quality.
view Foundation Beans range
Las Nubes
Las Nubes
Nicaragua | Foundation
Fazenda Matão Mundo Novo
Fazenda Matão Mundo Novo
Brazil | Foundation
Hermosa Honey
Hermosa Honey
Costa Rica | Foundation
Discovery An icon for our discovery genre coffee.

Discovery Beans

These are exciting and expressive coffees: different varieties and explorative processing provide you with varied and distinctive flavour profiles.
view Discovery Beans range
Agualinda Extended Fermentation
Agualinda Extended Fermentation
Colombia | Discovery
La Loma Washed
La Loma Washed
Colombia | Discovery
Gonzales Washed Castillo
Gonzales Washed Castillo
Colombia | Discovery
Rare An icon for our rare genre coffee.

Rare Beans

At Colonna we proudly curate the very finest coffees that the specialty world has to offer. Our Rare range showcases the most celebrated farms and award-winning producers from this exceptional selection, with stunningly complex, high-scoring lots.
view Rare Beans range
Padah Lin Washed
Padah Lin Washed
Myanmar | Rare
Pha Yar Gyi Kone
Pha Yar Gyi Kone
Myanmar | Rare
Duwancho Natural
Duwancho Natural
Ethiopia| Rare

Gesha Beans

The most recent addition to the Colonna family, our Gesha range shines a spotlight on this most prized of coffee cultivars. With aromatic flavour profiles of incredible depth, this is a chance to sample some of the most sublime coffees on the planet.
view Gesha Beans range
Cerquera Washed Gesha
Cerquera Washed Gesha
Colombia | Gesha
Hermanos Guerreros Washed Gesha
Hermanos Guerreros Washed Gesha
Peru | Gesha

House Beans

Introducing TRIO and SOLO — house coffee by COLONNA
view House Beans range
Colombia | Brazil | Kenya

Decaf Beans

Our current selection of decaf beans, now available in both espresso and filter roasts.
view Decaf Beans range
DECAF — E.A. Minas Gerais
DECAF — E.A. Minas Gerais
Brazil | Decaf
DECAF — Mama Mixed
DECAF — Mama Mixed
Guatemala | Decaf


After months of sampling and fine-tuning, we are thrilled to release our first-ever production run of instant coffee.
view Instant range
Rare Specialty Instant Coffee (Box of 6 Sachets)
Rare Specialty Instant Coffee (Box of 6 Sachets)

Freezer Archive

Our Freezer Archive leverages the art of freezing coffee to preserve select, seasonal coffees. This scientifically-backed method allows us to retain each coffees unique flavour profile and aromatics, safeguarding them until defrosting and roasting to order.
view Freezer Archive range
Inmaculada Natural Gesha
Inmaculada Natural Gesha
Colombia | Limited Release Rare
Inmaculada Sudan Rume
Inmaculada Sudan Rume
Colombia | Limited Release Rare
Zorro Natural Gesha
Zorro Natural Gesha
Panama | Special Release
Los Rodriguez Natural Gesha
Los Rodriguez Natural Gesha
Bolivia | Special Release
Esmeralda Special Natural Gesha '23 Harvest
Esmeralda Special Natural Gesha '23 Harvest
Panama | Limited Release Rare
Sydra Wave Natural '23 Harvest
Sydra Wave Natural '23 Harvest
Ecuador | Limited Release Rare
Typica Mejorado Washed '23 Harvest
Typica Mejorado Washed '23 Harvest
Ecuador | Limited Release Rare
Illumination Gesha
Illumination Gesha
Panama | Limited Release Rare

Wholesale Capsules

Introducing the evolution of our innovative speciality coffee capsules.
view Wholesale Capsules range
Limited Release Rare Espresso Capsules
Limited Release Rare Espresso Capsules
Calderón Gesha | Limited Release Rare
Limited Release Rare Lungo Capsules
Limited Release Rare Lungo Capsules
Los Duran | Limited Release Rare
Foundation Espresso Capsules
Foundation Espresso Capsules
Ibiraci | Brazil
Foundation Lungo Capsules
Foundation Lungo Capsules
Apolinar Washed | Mexico
Discovery Espresso Capsules
Discovery Espresso Capsules
Kirambo Natural | Rwanda
Discovery Lungo Capsules
Discovery Lungo Capsules
Gems of Araku | India
Rare Espresso Capsules
Rare Espresso Capsules
Loma Verde | Colombia
Rare Lungo Capsules
Rare Lungo Capsules
Aquiares Centroamericano Anaerobic Natural | Costa Rica
Gesha Espresso Capsules
Gesha Espresso Capsules
Luis Aníbal Calderón Natural | Colombia
Gesha Lungo Capsules
Gesha Lungo Capsules
Alba Lucia | Colombia
Compostable Africa Espresso Capsules
Compostable Africa Espresso Capsules
Karambi Natural | Uganda
Compostable Africa Lungo Capsules
Compostable Africa Lungo Capsules
Katanda | Uganda
Compostable Americas Espresso Capsules
Compostable Americas Espresso Capsules
Obraje Washed | Colombia
Compostable Americas Lungo Capsules
Compostable Americas Lungo Capsules
Ibiraci | Brazil
Decaf Espresso Capsules
Decaf Espresso Capsules
EA Decaf | Brazil
Decaf Lungo Capsules
Decaf Lungo Capsules
Tolima EA Decaf | Colombia


Our current selection of wholesale accessories.
view Accessories range
The Business of Specialty Coffee
The Business of Specialty Coffee
OPAL One Capsule Machine
OPAL One Capsule Machine
Peak Water Starter Pack
Peak Water Starter Pack
PUSH Tamper
PUSH Tamper
Precision Replacement Filters (Original) x2
Precision Replacement Filters (Original) x2
Endurance Replacement Filters x2
Endurance Replacement Filters x2
Socks - Teal
Socks - Teal

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