Foundation An icon for our foundation genre coffee.


Foundation Lungo Capsules

A delightful Mexican coffee with a smooth, medium body, balanced acidity, and a lasting sweetness.

We rarely have the opportunity to feature Mexican coffees, but this blend of Typica, Bourbon, and Marsellesa varietals sourced from the highlands of Chiapas really stood out to us on the cupping table.

Trinidad Apolinar, this coffee’s producer, has been growing coffee since the age of 13. His story speaks to the risks and challenges producers face to grow high-quality coffee—planting varietals that did not match the climate of his farm, failed drying, or even lorry accidents due to poor weather conditions. He thinks about these setbacks with pride, knowing that they were required to transform Finca Santa Rosa into a thriving, internationally recognised farm.


Capsules are retailed in boxes of ten and our recommended retail price for Foundation Capsules is £6.00

Foundation Lungo Capsules

A delightful Mexican coffee with a smooth, medium body, balanced acidity, and a lasting sweetness.

We rarely have the opportunity to feature Mexican coffees, but this blend of Typica, Bourbon, and Marsellesa varietals sourced from the highlands of Chiapas really stood out to us on the cupping table.

Trinidad Apolinar, this coffee’s producer, has been growing coffee since the age of 13. His story speaks to the risks and challenges producers face to grow high-quality coffee—planting varietals that did not match the climate of his farm, failed drying, or even lorry accidents due to poor weather conditions. He thinks about these setbacks with pride, knowing that they were required to transform Finca Santa Rosa into a thriving, internationally recognised farm.


Capsules are retailed in boxes of ten and our recommended retail price for Foundation Capsules is £6.00

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