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Pha Yar Gyi Kone

A distinctive natural-processed coffee from Myanmar, showcasing vibrant fruit acidity balanced by a creamy body.

Cultivated in Myanmar’s Shan State by Danu farmers, this coffee provides a glimpse into the region’s evolving coffee culture.The natural process enhances Myanmar’s characteristic flavour profile with vibrant, fruit-driven complexities. Supported by the Shwe Taung Thu group, this community-focused initiative demonstrates a remarkable dedication to quality, even amidst the country’s challenging sociopolitical landscape. 

Pha Yar Gyi Kone

A distinctive natural-processed coffee from Myanmar, showcasing vibrant fruit acidity balanced by a creamy body.

Cultivated in Myanmar’s Shan State by Danu farmers, this coffee provides a glimpse into the region’s evolving coffee culture.The natural process enhances Myanmar’s characteristic flavour profile with vibrant, fruit-driven complexities. Supported by the Shwe Taung Thu group, this community-focused initiative demonstrates a remarkable dedication to quality, even amidst the country’s challenging sociopolitical landscape. 

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