
Hermanos Guerreros Washed Gesha

This Peruvian Gesha presents a delicate, tea-like body with bright, clean tropical acidity and captivating floral aromatics.

The Guerrero family, rooted in El Palto, Peru, have cultivated coffee for generations. Their dedication to quality is evident in this Gesha, a departure from the fruitier profiles we typically find in Peru. The clarity, juicy acidity and floral aromatics of this coffee remind us of Colombian Geshas. The Guerreros, once solely focused on local markets, now embrace specialty coffee, investing in their land and experimenting with processing to unlock the full potential of their coffee.

Hermanos Guerreros Washed Gesha

This Peruvian Gesha presents a delicate, tea-like body with bright, clean tropical acidity and captivating floral aromatics.

The Guerrero family, rooted in El Palto, Peru, have cultivated coffee for generations. Their dedication to quality is evident in this Gesha, a departure from the fruitier profiles we typically find in Peru. The clarity, juicy acidity and floral aromatics of this coffee remind us of Colombian Geshas. The Guerreros, once solely focused on local markets, now embrace specialty coffee, investing in their land and experimenting with processing to unlock the full potential of their coffee.

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