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Gems of Araku

Indian coffee at its best—delightful aromatics combine with a winey body and pronounced dried fruit notes.

In 2007, Small and Marginal Tribal Farmers Mutually Aided Cooperative Society (SAMTFMACS) was formed to revitalise Araku’s semi-wastelands, where coffee quality had been poor for decades. Through peer-to-peer regenerative farming practices, farmers transformed their small plots, integrating forest and fruit trees for sustainable shade. These methods enabled J. Thammanna and Kumari, the farmers behind this coffee, to gain recognition for producing one of Araku's top microlots. 

Gems of Araku

Indian coffee at its best—delightful aromatics combine with a winey body and pronounced dried fruit notes.

In 2007, Small and Marginal Tribal Farmers Mutually Aided Cooperative Society (SAMTFMACS) was formed to revitalise Araku’s semi-wastelands, where coffee quality had been poor for decades. Through peer-to-peer regenerative farming practices, farmers transformed their small plots, integrating forest and fruit trees for sustainable shade. These methods enabled J. Thammanna and Kumari, the farmers behind this coffee, to gain recognition for producing one of Araku's top microlots. 

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