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This mixed varietal Colombian washed lot displays all the hallmarks of a super-clean, high quality offering from the origin.

The department of Tolima lies within the Andean region of Colombia, to the south west of Bogota, named from the local indigenous language, meaning “a river of snow or cloud”. The coffee regions are spread cross the length of the department creating a range of production microclimates with distinctive approaches.

Coffee provides the majority of employment in the area and in harvest time cherries are hand picked and pulped on the same day prior to an 18-30 hour ferment. Wet parchment is then thoroughly washed to remove mucilage before raised bed or patio drying.

This mixed varietal Colombian washed lot displays all the hallmarks of a super-clean, high quality offering from the origin.

The department of Tolima lies within the Andean region of Colombia, to the south west of Bogota, named from the local indigenous language, meaning “a river of snow or cloud”. The coffee regions are spread cross the length of the department creating a range of production microclimates with distinctive approaches.

Coffee provides the majority of employment in the area and in harvest time cherries are hand picked and pulped on the same day prior to an 18-30 hour ferment. Wet parchment is then thoroughly washed to remove mucilage before raised bed or patio drying.

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