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Santo Domingo Teojomulco

A welcome return to Mexico and perfect example of a high quality mixed-varietal washed lot from the origin.

Created from a range of smallholder farmers in Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, this lot is selected from small quantity, high quality producers. Unlike many other Central American countries, Mexico is still full of very small-size coffee plots with some farmers producing as little as five or ten kilos in an entire year. 

Competition within Oaxaca is high for these lots, so it is hard work to vie for the coffee itself, even before considerable time and effort is put in to size, moisture and water activity matching to create this beautifully balanced Typica, Bourbon, Mundo Novo offering.

Santo Domingo Teojomulco

A welcome return to Mexico and perfect example of a high quality mixed-varietal washed lot from the origin.

Created from a range of smallholder farmers in Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, this lot is selected from small quantity, high quality producers. Unlike many other Central American countries, Mexico is still full of very small-size coffee plots with some farmers producing as little as five or ten kilos in an entire year. 

Competition within Oaxaca is high for these lots, so it is hard work to vie for the coffee itself, even before considerable time and effort is put in to size, moisture and water activity matching to create this beautifully balanced Typica, Bourbon, Mundo Novo offering.

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