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Peru de la Cruz

Sourced from Finca Los Naranjos at 1,500 MASL in Peru, this coffee features Pacamara, Marsellesa, Catigua, and H1 varieties, fully-washed and sun-dried, displaying sweet aromas with notable acidity and a balanced body.

Peru De la Cruz originates from the slopes of the Andes and the depths of the Amazon in Villa Rica, Pasco. Managed by Yris de la Cruz and her brothers, the farm is committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly coffee production. At an altitude of 1,500 MASL, the unique climatic conditions of Villa Rica contribute to the production of high-quality specialty coffees. The farm's innovative approach, including the introduction of beehives to support pollination, highlights their dedication to quality and environmental stewardship.

Peru de la Cruz

Sourced from Finca Los Naranjos at 1,500 MASL in Peru, this coffee features Pacamara, Marsellesa, Catigua, and H1 varieties, fully-washed and sun-dried, displaying sweet aromas with notable acidity and a balanced body.

Peru De la Cruz originates from the slopes of the Andes and the depths of the Amazon in Villa Rica, Pasco. Managed by Yris de la Cruz and her brothers, the farm is committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly coffee production. At an altitude of 1,500 MASL, the unique climatic conditions of Villa Rica contribute to the production of high-quality specialty coffees. The farm's innovative approach, including the introduction of beehives to support pollination, highlights their dedication to quality and environmental stewardship.

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