Foundation An icon for our foundation genre coffee.


Leonel Hartwig

A standout Washed Brazilian Red Catuai lot, with surprisingly juicy acidity and syrupy mouthfeel.

A rising star from Afonso Cláudio in east-central Espírito Santo, Brazil, Leonel Hartwig has been investing in specialty production since 2014. Alongside his wife Jessica and daughters Mikaela and Manuele, he farms a 3.5 acre plot belonging to his father Jair.

A recent investment in his own depulper, and the added control this brings, has seen his cup score raise year-on-year, with plans for new greenhouses to be built on the land within 2022. This would allow space for raised drying beds and open yet more options for processing his crop.
Leonel Hartwig

A standout Washed Brazilian Red Catuai lot, with surprisingly juicy acidity and syrupy mouthfeel.

A rising star from Afonso Cláudio in east-central Espírito Santo, Brazil, Leonel Hartwig has been investing in specialty production since 2014. Alongside his wife Jessica and daughters Mikaela and Manuele, he farms a 3.5 acre plot belonging to his father Jair.

A recent investment in his own depulper, and the added control this brings, has seen his cup score raise year-on-year, with plans for new greenhouses to be built on the land within 2022. This would allow space for raised drying beds and open yet more options for processing his crop.

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