Foundation An icon for our foundation genre coffee.


Gorongosa Eco Pulped Natural

Cultivated at 1,000 MASL, this eco pulpled natural is sweet, balanced and reminiscent of some of our favourite Central American coffees.

The Gorongosa Project stands for sustainability and community upliftment. Utilising eco-pulpers to conserve water, the project champions not only environmental responsibility but also social betterment. From nurturing cashew groves to enhancing local lion and elephant populations, their commitment to harmony between nature and community is palpable. A true embodiment of their ethos is this coffee: a result of their dedication and our longstanding collaboration.

Shipped directly from Mozambique to our Bristol roastery, this selection marks years of collaboration. Representing the most complex profile we've encountered yet, it's a fitting addition to our Discovery range. Every cup brewed supports the Gorongosa Project's vision: a future where community development and ecological conservation coalesce, paving the way for holistic progress by 2035.

Gorongosa Eco Pulped Natural

Cultivated at 1,000 MASL, this eco pulpled natural is sweet, balanced and reminiscent of some of our favourite Central American coffees.

The Gorongosa Project stands for sustainability and community upliftment. Utilising eco-pulpers to conserve water, the project champions not only environmental responsibility but also social betterment. From nurturing cashew groves to enhancing local lion and elephant populations, their commitment to harmony between nature and community is palpable. A true embodiment of their ethos is this coffee: a result of their dedication and our longstanding collaboration.

Shipped directly from Mozambique to our Bristol roastery, this selection marks years of collaboration. Representing the most complex profile we've encountered yet, it's a fitting addition to our Discovery range. Every cup brewed supports the Gorongosa Project's vision: a future where community development and ecological conservation coalesce, paving the way for holistic progress by 2035.

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