
Divino Niño Gesha Washed

A beautiful example of exquisite Colombian Gesha, floral, complex and silky.

In the Suaza area of Colombia’s famous Huila region, Finca El Mirador is a result of the dedicated work of Jose Losada and Kyle Bellinger, the founders of Osito coffee. After Osito began exporting coffee from friends, the business naturally grew, with 50-plus growers eventually providing specialty varietal lots to the group.

A shift to also grow Gesha, Pink Bourbon and Tabi styles of crop from the region’s farmers came after the classical profiles that had been produced originally were not enough to help Osito move forwards into the specialty space. The varietal “shift” did come at the cost of volume, with some growers delivering just 20-35kg per harvest. Unable to offer 100 different nano lots in one shipment, Osito decided to combine these lots under the Divino Niño name.

Each individual delivery to the collection points are rigorously graded and cupped by the team, ensuring each lot, no matter how small, meets strict quality measures. Divino Niño is the result of this meticulous attention to detail, providing a stunning washed Gesha profile from expert producers.

Divino Niño Gesha Washed

A beautiful example of exquisite Colombian Gesha, floral, complex and silky.

In the Suaza area of Colombia’s famous Huila region, Finca El Mirador is a result of the dedicated work of Jose Losada and Kyle Bellinger, the founders of Osito coffee. After Osito began exporting coffee from friends, the business naturally grew, with 50-plus growers eventually providing specialty varietal lots to the group.

A shift to also grow Gesha, Pink Bourbon and Tabi styles of crop from the region’s farmers came after the classical profiles that had been produced originally were not enough to help Osito move forwards into the specialty space. The varietal “shift” did come at the cost of volume, with some growers delivering just 20-35kg per harvest. Unable to offer 100 different nano lots in one shipment, Osito decided to combine these lots under the Divino Niño name.

Each individual delivery to the collection points are rigorously graded and cupped by the team, ensuring each lot, no matter how small, meets strict quality measures. Divino Niño is the result of this meticulous attention to detail, providing a stunning washed Gesha profile from expert producers.

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