Foundation An icon for our foundation genre coffee.



A blend of high quality washed resident SL15 & SL28  varieties, cultivated at 1300-2000 MASL, produces a beautifully balanced coffee.

Sitting just north of the Equator at the southern foothills of the Rwenzori mountains, Katanda is home to a number of small communities, with farmers typically caring for just one or two acres of steep land. These small plots are used for both food for the family, and for their precious crop of coffee.

Farmers hand-pulp the ripe cherries and, once dried, these are then brought to Agri Evolve’s main coffee station for quality assessment. Graded coffee is then purchased from the farmers before being carefully hulled, stored and then gathered for export.


A blend of high quality washed resident SL15 & SL28  varieties, cultivated at 1300-2000 MASL, produces a beautifully balanced coffee.

Sitting just north of the Equator at the southern foothills of the Rwenzori mountains, Katanda is home to a number of small communities, with farmers typically caring for just one or two acres of steep land. These small plots are used for both food for the family, and for their precious crop of coffee.

Farmers hand-pulp the ripe cherries and, once dried, these are then brought to Agri Evolve’s main coffee station for quality assessment. Graded coffee is then purchased from the farmers before being carefully hulled, stored and then gathered for export.

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