
Juan Cubillos Washed Gesha

A clean, vibrant Colombian Gesha with floral aromatics, delicate tea-like undertones, and a lasting botanical finish.

Grown at Finca La Florida in the Huila region, this coffee reflects Juan Cubillos’s dedication to quality and innovation. An agronomist by training, Juan applies his expertise to cultivate a variety of coffee plants, including Gesha, Pink Bourbon, and SL-28 across his 16-hectar farm. His skill and care have transformed what was once low-quality commercial coffee land into a well-organized, high-altitude coffee oasis. At 1,620–1,730 MASL, the farm's volcanic soils and strategic planting of native shade trees enhance the coffee’s complexity.  

Juan Cubillos Washed Gesha undergoes a thorough process that removes the cherry skin before the beans are fermented and fully washed. Through this traditional method, each bean retains a bright, refined acidity and distinct botanical character, allowing the Gesha’s delicate tea-like notes to come through.

Juan Cubillos Washed Gesha

A clean, vibrant Colombian Gesha with floral aromatics, delicate tea-like undertones, and a lasting botanical finish.

Grown at Finca La Florida in the Huila region, this coffee reflects Juan Cubillos’s dedication to quality and innovation. An agronomist by training, Juan applies his expertise to cultivate a variety of coffee plants, including Gesha, Pink Bourbon, and SL-28 across his 16-hectar farm. His skill and care have transformed what was once low-quality commercial coffee land into a well-organized, high-altitude coffee oasis. At 1,620–1,730 MASL, the farm's volcanic soils and strategic planting of native shade trees enhance the coffee’s complexity.  

Juan Cubillos Washed Gesha undergoes a thorough process that removes the cherry skin before the beans are fermented and fully washed. Through this traditional method, each bean retains a bright, refined acidity and distinct botanical character, allowing the Gesha’s delicate tea-like notes to come through.

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